Site Updates

September 18th, 2005 Dan - Episode 30 posted

It's been a while I know, but things look to be working out for me to start getting comparisons done on a normal basis again. To keeo any long stories short, we kick this week off with the comparison of episode 30. More planned throughout this week. ^_^

August 5th, 2005 Dan - Episode 29 posted

Got another comparison up for your reading pleasure.

July 29th, 2005 Dan - Episode 28 posted

It's very sad to see Bob go after all these years, but the show must go on while he's away. It's about time I got started getting back into the groove of things comparison-wise, and have just completed the one for episode 28. Enjoy!

July 17th, 2005 Bob - Farewell...

Well, this is it. I'm leaving on Tuesday for provo and on Wednesday I report to the MTC and leave on my mission for 2 years. For all who missed it, go check out my editorial I posted a little while back.

Also, I've changed the e-mail page and my e-mail address is no longer listed there. So please don't e-mail me while I'm out on my mission. =)

If for some strange reason any of you want to contact me, here is my mailing address for sending letters...

MTC - (from July 20th to about August 10th, 2005)

Elder Robert Douglas Wheeler
Georgia Macon Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

Mission Field - (after august 10th, 2005)

Elder Robert Douglas Wheeler
Georgia Macon Mission
5082 Forsyth Rd Ste B
Macon GA 31210

Also, all pictures and movies that I take during my mission will be posted occasionally to


It's been great SMU. See you in 2 years.

July 5th, 2005 Dan - Dan wins war with phobos

Well, as I'm sure most of you have been able to see, it has been one hell of a week. Phobos decided to essentially die in a sense, it started randomly locking up and decided to not always fully boot up when restarting it. I have fought with it in more ways than I ever thought I would, physically as well as coding-wise, and after a week it's back up and running finally. There has been no data loss, everything is running just as smoothly as before, only people with phobos accounts will notice anything different which I'll be working to get it back to excatly how it was before these problems for you guys. Right now, I'm just really happy that all the sites are back online, it's been a big thorn in my back this past week and I know that there's been a lot of unhappy people.

As for content, there is none. I was hoping to have a new comparison up before the end of June, but because of the phobos war this just wasn't possible. I will try to get one up by the end of the week though.

June 18th, 2005 Bob - Quickie update

Sorry, haha. This is a really small update. I just updated my info in the "About Us" section. Sorry to get your hopes up for bigger stuff!!! =P

On the plus side though, Dan finally switched us back to Phobos, so updates are sure to pick up now.

Just over a month before I leave, I'll be sure to check in a few more times before I do. Peace.

May 28th, 2005 Dan - Episode 27 posted

Well, Bob let me know earlier today that he wouldn't be able to post the stuff up for episode 27 as he had planned to do for one last comparison, and he has now fully passed the torch onto me with the comparisons. So with this news, episode 27 has now been added to the database and is ready for your reading pleasure!

Also, I have a semi-important announcement. It appears that somehow, a couple of my housemates have arranged for us to pick up our digital cable box and cable modem and set them up ourselves, rather than have a guy come and do it. This means more money saved for us (I was almost doing backflips when I learned this ^^;;; ), but for you might care about, this means phobos will be back online by next weekend. We move in the place this coming Wednesday (June 1st) and I was already planning to wire the entire house either that day or the day after, now since we'll have access right away that means phobos will be online sooner than I had thought. Many people won't notice a difference just like when I moved this place to a pay host a couple weeks ago, but for me this means I'll be able to do stuff to the site faster again, such as new code and adding more screencaps. Having the server networked with my PC is MUCH easier than SSHing into a server and having to FTP files when I need to. More comparisons will follow once I have my room fully setup, I'd give it at least a week before I do any more.

May 25th, 2005 Dan - Warriors of Legend released

Non-content, but pretty much any update I do before I move will be. You have probably seen the new banner added to the front of the site that's like an ad (though essentially is). If you don't frequent the forums here, and haven't seen vague posts on ANN or updates on Genvid, then you don't really know what the hell is going on now, so allow me to explain.

For quite a while now, Genvid staff members Jay Navok and Sushil K. Rudranath have been working a project titled Warriors of Legend, and the first part of this project is a book titled Warriors of Legend: Reflections of Japan in Sailor Moon. This is a book which essentially takes aspects of Japan and its culture that is shown in the anime and explains how its like in the real Japan. It touches upon the real places shown in the anime, as well as various cultural aspects which include family life, education, religion, and foreign influences. In a nutshell, it takes all the Japanese parts of the series and expands teaching about those aspects. For a better description, be sure to read the PR in the new news article posted.

I was privledged to get early info on the book as well as read a few pages, which I publically thank Jay for that honor. He e-mailed me some vague info a few weeks back and it sounded interesting, so then he gave me more info and a few pages to gauge my thoughts and I can honestly say, I really enjoyed what I read. Therefore, I am fully supporting this book as I would love to see it gain great success and it deserves it. It was written by qualified experts of the nation and takes a unique approach by using what's shown in the Sailormoon anime to teach about the many things of the country. It's been killing me these weeks to keep everything a secret while the book was being printed and the site was getting put together, but at the same time fun since I poked a lot of fun to the forum users. ^_~

So to help the book acheive great success, I'm doing my part to promote it the best I can. You can see that by the banner on the front page as well as this semi-lengthy update. Since Genvid was pretty much on their own for this book as they were not able to obtain a license nor get help from publishers (forcing them to publish on their own), the success of this book is relying on word of mouth and the Internet. Companies are watching this book too, since they're scared to support it as they feel Sailor Moon won't sell anything, so if this book does well this would be a big eye opener to the higher-ups.

To end off this update before I go off in more of an editorial than a rant, I highly suggest everyone buy the book. I would assume that a good percentage of the fanbase is interested in learning a bit of actual Japan, especially the fans that come to this site due to its nature, so you can learn more here, and it's a cheap lesson too ($12.99). If you don't want to buy one, that's fine, but you can still support it. Visit the Warriors of Legend homesite for details on how you can help the book's success.

May 14th, 2005 Dan - Update on plans

Slight change of plans, but definetly for the better (minus the small hit on my wallet). Instead of using my friend's server, I decided to just pay for a server for a month so the addies don't change or anything, and virtually nothing changes for casual users. If you see this update, then we're on the new server, and everything is all set. ^_^

May 10th, 2005 Dan - Planning for move

Non-content update for me today, but important. As mentioned in my last update, I'm moving, which affects this site and everything else on phobos. Right now, I seem to have something worked out with a friend of mine where I'm going to move this site, MMPU, and a few other things onto his pay server for the next few weeks (any friend who I could bring phobos over to is in the same position as me). The thing is, I'm not sure excatly when this move will take place, it could be (and to make my packing easier, hopefully is) as soon as tonight, or as late as Saturday. So I wanted to give a warning that this will happen, as we have no set time for this and it will probably happen when we catch each other online. Nothing will be lost in the process of course. Everything will be back to normal in early June when I'm settled in my new place and have the whole house networked. Until then, my presence around the net will be sparse at best since I'll essentially be floating around the next couple weeks after Sunday, and won't have net access probably for a few days after moving into the place. I apologize for the inconvnence for the next few weeks and will make sure everything goes smoothly through them.

May 4th, 2005 Bob - Goodbye for now

I've posted a new editorial in the editorial's section. Go read it, as it's fairly important.

See ya all around.

April 17th, 2005 Dan - Movie screencaps added

Not much for today, just added in screencaps in for all the movies, screencaps from forum user RattleMan once again. More caps will get added throughout the week for the DiC episodes. On the subject of forum users helping out the site, Akarui Kibuno sent me a new banner for people to use for linking this site, so I've added that into the links section, thanx for the new banner with the site logo. ^_^

Comparisons might get a bit slow for a short while, well slower than now. Two big things, fisrt off, though doesn't directly affect the site (minus this coming Thursday) I'm finally getting a damn car. Will be buying the thing after work tomorrow, will probably get the thing and on the road on Tuesday or Wednesday, so I'm really fricken happy about that. ^_^ This affects Thursday and any future days off in at least a week in that since I can actually drive myself around to places finally, I'm going to be doing just that. ^^;;; Second, which actually does affect things for a short while, is that more of my free time for the next month will be spent getting stuff packed up in my house to move into my new house. My lease here runs out on May 15th (I'm pretty sure), and I'm going to try to spread out getting all my stuff out of here and any cleaning over this last month for a more smooth transition. I move into my new house on June 1st, and it will probably be at least a week before me and my new housemates are settled in, not to mention A-kon is literally two days after I move in my place, increasing the settling in time for me. For the 2.5 weeks inbetween the places, I don't know what I'll be doing, so comparisons or any site work is out of the question during that time. Also, I should warn you that phobos will be moving between places too, so there will be some downtime when I drive it between one place and another. I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going to put it between my two places, but don't worry, there's no way I'll let everything hosted on it be down for that timeframe. I will have more info on phobos during it's moving phases, normal visitors will notice next to nothing unless they manage to be unlucky enough to try to connect to sites during the travel time. Once we have the internet hooked up at the new place, everything will be all normal again. By then, I'll be able to crank out more comparisons and updates faster since not only will I still have the free time, I'll have the two-TV setup in my room so I won't have to fight for the ones in the livingroom as I do here anymore. ^_^

April 13th, 2005 Dan - Screencaps updated

Not really an update, but not excatly a non-update either. I'm sure many of you are aware that we have screencaps posted for many comparisons. I'm sure a high percentage of that group see that for the DiC comparisons, there are only caps for episodes 1 - 6 and they are pretty crappy quality from my worn out fansubs, and that no caps feature what the dub editted. I was planning to get better caps and more of them at some point, but with me doing the comparison notes this would either take a lot longer or not get done at all. Thankfully, forum user RattleMan has graciously taken caps of both versions of episodes for the site, so I added a little code to better deal with screencaps and have been going through the bunch he has sent me. Tonight I present much better screencaps of episodes 1 - 6. I would do more right now, but South Park rules my Wednesday nights which will eventually be followed by some World of Warcraft.

A big thank you to RattleMan for doing the screencaps for the site, and from this point on, any screencap for the DiC comparisons has been from him unless otherwise mentioned.

April 4th, 2005 Dan - Nice little code added

Thanx for the nice mention. ^_^ Moving on to other things though, there's always more things I'm working on besides comparisons, such as recoding the site in a different style which hardly anyone will ever notice. But I finally got that damn rollover effect to work with PHP because of it so >P . Outside the site I've recentally finished work on FightingMongooses.com , a site for me and my friends' guild on WoW. Best code I've done yet, just can't wait for more of the members to start using the damn thing. >.< Also a few months or so back, I coded a MOD for phpBB forums to change the forum banners through the admin control panel of phpBB forums. It is a great feeling to have code you worked hard on to be released to the public and used worldwide.

Moving back here to SMU, I'm also always thinking of nifty things to add to the site, such as the SMU convention tracker for any cons we go to that I added a couple months back. Things that aren't needed to be done but have that cool factor to them. Well, today I have added such a thing into our series section. We now have a page of charts of the best and worst dubbed episodes sorted by the grades we have given them, listed as a whole as well as broken down by seasons. The charts won't list episodes that were skipped or episodes that don't have a grade yet. I hope you all enjoy this small add-on to the site, and more shall probably follow later on.

April 3rd, 2005 Bob - Episode 26 done

Episode 26 is now up in the series section. We're moving along quite nicely if I do say so myself. Big up to Dan for being so great about taking the notes for these comparisons. WE LOVE YOU DAN.

Also, in about a month, I will have a very important personal announcement for all our loyal SMUers out there. Stay tuned. I'm expecting word around May 5th, although it might be a little later than that. Stay tuned.

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