Episode 18 has been posted. Enjoy!
Drum roll please!
Yes. Episode 17 is now up for your viewing pleasure. I'm no longer taking the notes (due to broken VCRs) so Dan has taken over that for me. Don't worry though, I've sprinkled my wit and humor throughout the comparison, so it's ALMOST as if I wrote it........except Dan did it..............er.........yeah.
Anyways, enjoy. More will be coming soon. WELCOME BACK EPISODE COMPARISONS!!!
Wow, that caught me completely off guard. Just a day after combining whatever GSS announcements were made thinking I was safe to not need to make another one for a while since it's so far down the road, and they announce the final release of SMSS in the GSS line.
I hate it when things are slow and there's little to nothing for me to do on the actual site. Well, things that everyone here actually sees and notices, I've cleaned up a bunch of code for the site and the admin center, as well as improving the admin center, but none of that will really be noticed by the casual user, though if you use the forums you can see I've made sure to add some nice goodies on them. I wish I could do more content updates, but with Toei slowly pulling the plug on Sailor Moon in America and PGSM ending shortly, the only things I can do now is just announce the Geneon Signature Series release dates for the SMSS re-releases, which is the content for today's update. If there's anyone buying these budget re-releases, be sure to read today's news article to mark new dates on your calendars.
Speaking of calendars, 2005 is pretty much around the corner, so you might want to start thinking of pre-ordering any calendars you want for the next year if you're gonna import any from Japan. Some stores have already taken some pre-orders, and if I remember correctly October is the month most of them ship out. If there's going to be a Sailormoon calendar for 2005 (I don't remember if there was one for 2004), someone let me know so I can get it and post the info on here for others to see too.
Other ranting and raving while I can, pretty soon the main reason that everyone comes here (or at least was the main reason in the past, I think the forums overtake this right now) will finally be getting some additions in the near future. Yes, I do mean comparisons. Bob and I have talked and plotted about how to get them done since he's having problems with the time and the lack of a working VCR, and have devised a plan. Sometime this week, I will be getting my tapes back from him (finally ^_^) and will semi-takeover the comparisons. It's only a semi-takeover since the two of us will share the work, meaning I'm gonna actually watch through them and take the notes and that fun stuff, whereas he will take my notes and his his own comments and such and add them into the database for everyone to enjoy. I get my tapes back, notes actually get taken, he writes all the witty stuff (I wouldn't be able to pull off the effect he can if I even tried ^^;;; ), you all have new comparisons to read, we all win. ^_^
So sometime within the next couple weeks, an episode comparison is guranteed. After I get a feel for it with how long it takes and such, I'll work my way into getting them done on a regular basis. While not much of a content update for today, I hope this instills excitement for the good things about to come.
Small update for today, see the news for the next Geneon Signature Series SMSS release. Yay for near-meaningless updates, though we should be expecting more worthwhile updates in the next couple weeks. ^_^
It's been a slow couple of weeks here. Part because nothing of interest for this site has really happened, part because myself, Tiff, and forum moderator Parakisu, were all at Project A-kon 15 a couple weeks ago (and had an awesome time there ^_^ ), and part because Bob decided to leave the country for a few weeks without getting a #@%%$@#& comparison done to have people feed off of until he get's back. ^^;;;; By the way, I believe he said he'll be back home around the 25th or so, so I need all the people who are still here to do me a big favor. See, tomorrow marks excatly one year since the last comparison was done, which doesn't really sit well for pretty much anyone. You the loyal site-goers as you haven't had any new comparisaons to enjoy, myself and Tiff for working what we can of the site to keep it alive while we await more of the "meat" of the site to come along, and even moreso me for building phobos, recoding the site, and most importantly, he still has my tapes. He's had my tapes for nearly three years now, and I really miss them. Therefore, I am encouraging anyone who is reading this to nicely e-mail Bob with any words or whatnot to nicely convince him to start his work up again. And I do stress to be nice about it. I feel that when he comes home on the 25th and sees his mailbox overfilled with nice letters, he will be motivated to start up more comparisons and go on to finish. So please do this to help more comparisons for all of you loyal fans to read be made, so he'll be more convinced to finish his work, to relieve some of the stress myself and Tiff has dealt with the past year, and to help my tapes come home (ok, so I'm joking around with this last one a bit, but I do miss them). Everybody wins in the end. ^_^
However, all of you by now know me better than to post an update without having any actual content to update. Thankfully, an excuse for an update has happened in the past couple of hours. The announcement of the next SMSS Geneon Signature Series DVD. If anyone's actually buying the GSS re-releases (as opposed to the upcoming box or already owning the originals), see today's news article for details.
Small snippet of an update tonight, the art for the SMSS DVD Thinpak Box has been released. It's been added to the SuperS coverart archive and you can also see it by clicking here.
I've added a small update to the SOS section. Go and check it out. I will be getting around to that lengthy SOS article.......eventually. Also, I swear I'm going to do more episode comparisons. I SWEAR! Just be patient.
Ok first and foremost shut the hell up. Yes, that over there said "Bob". Yes. I'm making an update. Holy crap people. It's not like I DIED or anything. ~_^
Well, I guess I should start by explaining myself and apologizing. I'm really sorry for the total LACK of my presence over the past year (possibly close to a year and a half). This past year (starting with May of '03) marked the beginning of a tough time for me, and a time when I had to do a little "exploration" as to who I really was. That's a long story short, by the way. But I'm back now, and things are going well. I must publicly thank Dan and Tiff (and Dan, and Dan, and Tiff, and Dan and Tiff, and Tiff, and Dan 3 more times) for picking up my slack. You guys really pulled through and I appreciate it more than you will ever know. You all are great.
But onto business. The SOS. Yes. They've done something....again. But luckily, it looks like that this will be the last me or any of you will have to deal with them. Mosey on over to the SOS section and check it out.
While this is technically a non-content update, as it regards the forums, I feel I should announce this here as well. Basically to put this in the nicest way possible, I have reason to believe that there have been some people recentally who have been lying about their age when joining the forums, my reasons being if a new member makes a post that seems "kid like" and then are confronted by the asking of their age, they immediately seem to "disappear." Add this to a couple other things, and I feel it's time to add some fairly complex code to the forums regarding user's birthdates and probably a calandar thingy too, with hopes that this issue can end. However, I'm too busy with school work these last couple weeks of the semester to add in all the code and deal with this. Therefore, after discussing this with the rest of the staff, we have decided to prevent new accounts being created. I feel this will deter these kind of people away in this period of time. Also, it doesn't mean that no new accounts will be made at all, if anyone wants to join here that wants to actually want to be here for the enviroment and conversations and such, then feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to get you setup. Any account created without advance permission from an admin will be deleted upon sight. I apologize for any inconvenience during this time.
Small but nice little update tonight. The art for the Sailor Moon S box has been released. Go to the Geneon Sailor Moon S Coverart Archive to see, or click here. I think it looks nice, I want it on my shelf. ^_^
Mini update a couple hours later: It appears that various servers that I use on my ISP are not working for me, which includes the news server (newsgroups) and the smtp server (the server that sends mail). It probably doesn't affect the site at all, but I just wanted to mention it so anyone who has sent me an e-mail lately knows that they won't get a response until this stuff is working again. To the person who sent me an e-mail informing me of a broken link, thank you for making that known to me and I've got it fixed now, and sorry for not sending you an e-mail back but it appears I can't at this time.
Taking a couple-day "break" from the Internet, which consisted of classes, me staying at the dorms for a while, drinking, drinking games, sleep, work, and chilling in my living room, it seems that Geneon has already announced their new releases (or in our case, old releases in new packages with lower prices) while I was doing one of the things listed above. See my latest news post to see the plans for the re-releases of Sailor Moon SuperS.
First off Happy Easter everyone! I hope that everyone is enjoying Easter with family and/or friends or the like. Boston is having their second annual Holy Weekend celebration with Anime Boston, with anime fans enjoying themselves and lots of nice announcements from the studios. I still have to go through them all, will probably do so when I get back to my house either tonight (if my sister wants to leave tonight, and I hope she does) or sometime tomorrow, but I've heard a couple and am really glad to hear that Funimation has picked up Kodomo no Omocha (aka Kodacha, aka Child's Toy) and plan to start releasing it in 2005. ^_^
Sadly, not all the announcements were good, and I've got a new news article up about the next nail in the coffin for Sailor Moon in America that Geneon let us know in Anime Boston yesterday afternoon.
I added...an opinions essay.
*Collective gasp*
XD Go read the damn thing already.
XD Well, with Dan re-coding the site and making updates much easier, I've discovered I have more free time than before, and so I shall re-open the opinions essays, so I am accepting them again. Keep in mind that I will only accept certain ones, so try to think of a unique and original topic, keep them gramatically correct, and please don't send me essays that are only a few sentences or one paragraph.
I look forward to them!
October 9th, 2004
Bob - Episode 18 posted
October 7th, 2004
Bob - Episode 17 posted
September 17th, 2004
Dan - More GSS announcements
September 16th, 2004
Dan - Code cleanup and such
July 27th, 2004
Dan - Snall news update
June 17th, 2004
Dan - New news and bug Bob =P
May 29th, 2004
Dan - More coverart
May 19th, 2004
Bob - more Anti-SOS stuff
May 4th, 2004
Bob - I LIVE, with more anti-SOS stuff
May 4th, 2004
Dan - I hate dumb people
April 19th, 2004
Dan - New coverart added
April 18th, 2004
Dan - More Geneon re-release announcements
April 11th, 2004
Dan - Movies license to expire
April 10th, 2004
Tiff - New opinions essay added
March 30th, 2004
Tiff - Send me essays! XD
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