Pioneer decided to post the rest of the coverart for set five like right after I went there eailer thisweek. Damn then, they're out to get me. >.< Anyways, to see the rest of the art from SS set five, head on over to the SuperS coverart section. Looks like they're doing what they did for set three and having the second VHS be the DVD cover instead of the first. Why they don't just have the first VHS be the cover and the second the reverse for all of them is beyond me, but at least with them pulling this stunt, my beloved Minako-sama graces the DVD cover finally. *_* More screencaps to come tomorrow night-ish, and possibly a little something before then. ^_~
Pioneer updated their site today (well yesterday, it's quarter to 1AM as I type this), one of the things added was strangely the cover for the fifth "best of" SS VHS. Not the DVD from the fifth set, not the two VHSs, but the "best of" VHS, which I might add they still don't acknowledge their first two (from sets four and five) on their own site. So after seeing this, I decided to look for any missing coverart, and came up with better scans of the VHSs from set four, as well as a scan of the "best of" VHS from set four, completing the set four part of the SuperS coverart section. No new ADV covers yet, no new news, and I'm going to do more screencaps for some episodes over the weekend, so I guess I'm done for now.
Today, I finally got to use a toy I bought in July for here. ^_^ After like a month of summer, I got tired of not being able to watch TV and be on the computer at the same time. Sure, I was storing Kev's TV in my house, but there was nowhere in my room to put it. But one day, on break at EB, I saw the most awesomest thing. A TV card. Picked it up the next day along with some things to get a cable line to my computer. Worked great, I didn't expect that it would have A/V input, and that with the program I could take screen caps and make video clips. I'm sure you all see where this is going. ^_~ Overall, that card was the best $50 I've ever spent.
I was never able to hook up the VCR to it though, until now. Here in college, I set up the VCR on my computer (no cable on it yet yet, because of two TVs in here, soon though) a couple days ago. Saw my brother at a marching band show at the high school like a block away from here, and made him bring up my first fansub tape, the first 20 episodes of SM. So today, I played around a bit, and took screencaps of the first episode. The screencaps aren't as good as Bob's S screencaps for obvious reasons, but still pretty good. Some caps will have subs on them, but I tried to avoid them when possible. I'll be doing the caps for Classic and R, and will probably catch up to Bob soon, so we can get the comparisions and caps up at the same time. Shouldn't be too long at the pace he's going.... ^_~ *Dan ducks Bob's fist* Enjoy!
Yeah, been a long time since an update. There hasn't been like anything newswise in a while, and until a couple weeks ago, there wasn't anything new coverart wise. Not to mention I don't get as much computer time as I usually do at school, been actually doing a lot more stuff lately, as seen with the lack of posts in my weblog since coming up to school. So enough on all that, let's get to the update.
Like I said, there was new coverart a couple weeks ago, because that's when the fourth SMSS DVD came out. Well, due to a few different situations, I wasn't able to order the DVD until this weekend and recieved it yesterday. Since Brandon brought his scanner up to college, I scanned the covers. Brandon's scanner beats the shit out of the one my family has, one of these days if I get a chance, I am rescanning everything I scanned, maybe what Bob scanned too, but at least his scans came out good too while mine using the family scanner were crappy. Brandon did the scanning for me, and it appears he doesn't give a shit about trying to line the covers against the edges and cropping before scanning, but Photoshop works wonders and I was able to fix all that. ^_^ I haven't watched the DVD yet, so I can't make any comments on it, except that Pioneer is doing a great job giving the covers great art. To see the new art, just go to the SS coverart archive and scroll down near the bottom for the links. Enjoy!
First off, I'd like to say the server change went over well, and that in this past week, this new host has impressed me a hell of a lot more than the older one, and that there should no longer be any problems. As for update content, Pioneer finally released the coverart for the two SuperS VHSs coming out this Tuesday (they don't even acknowledge the "best of" VHS on their site until the one in set five) and you can see them here.
Not long after the cover of the DVD was posted, Gary Harmer e-mailed me informing me of where the art came from. The art came from an anime comic book of SuperS in Japan, the sixth one in the series. Pioneer had used some art from these anime comic books in some of the S art as well. The DVD reverse cover (aka VHS2 cover) comes from a combination of the ninth SuperS LD cover image of Super Sailor Moon, with the Chibi-usa background thingy is from the background of the fifth LD. While Pioneer appears to not care much about the SuperS releases as they did with S, they continue to create some great covers for their products.
YES. I DID SOMETHING. *GASP* Yes, I know. Screen caps for episodes 115 - 120 have gone up. Go check those out if you so desire too. School starts for me tomorrow...Umm...I'd say that updates would then begin to slow down but considering I've barely done anything the entire summer, I think it's safe to say updates will continue just as it has been ^^;;;;;;;
Until next time!
Just wanted to announce before going to bed, that the server change is complete. Only small snag is that the other two can't update yet due to some setting thing I guess I can't find, so I've contacted the server about it, and I'm sure I'll have a response before I go to work. In this short time, I'm already quite impressed with this server, and hope it keeps up the great work it's already shown me.
Keeping with my must-have-content updates, ADV has released the coverart for dub DVDs eleven and twelve. So I've added them in the archive linked in the last sentence. I'm just not going to make any comments on the DVD12 cover.....
Within an hour after this update goes up, work will start in changing servers. Like I said yesterday, normal site goers will most likely notice nothing, so you need not to worry. There just won't be anymore updates until the domain and new server go in sync. Once that happens, everything will resume like normal.
ADV moves onward with the dub, as they've announced the last two DVDs of them. As for other news, you probably noticed earilier today that we were "down" for a bit. Basically, the webserver has been giving us shit that there's no space left on the server, when not even half has been reached yet. Today it reached it's breaking point of pissing me off, and sometime in the next few hours, before I get billed for another month on this crappy server, I will have another server setup. If things go right, you shouldn't notice anything, though there is a possibility of no site for a short period of time, no longer than 48 hours. I'll make an announcement in here when it fully completes.
Mini-update a couple hours later: I've found a new server, and decided that tomorrow after work (scheduled to get out 4PM EST) I will get everything set up.
Ok, first off, I am NO LONGER accepting question submissions! So don't send anymore =)
Second, I made a small update to the anti-SOS section. Expect more updates in the future!!! =P
Two years, that just kicks ass. And how much we've grown is just amazing, I never saw it coming. If over two years ago when we started someone had told me that today we would have gotten this far, gotten our own domain, and even an interview with Cloverway, I'd say you'd have been crazy. But wow! This is just awesome, and any day now we're gonna reach a quarter million hits. Simply amazing. Thank you for all your support for the past two years and here's to many more!
Sure that was a little late, but I've been preoccupied lately. If you want details, that's what the weblog's for, all I'll say here is that if anyone here is thinking of buying their own computer, avoid HP and Compaq (I say them as well because they merged with HP) at all costs. Now onto the content of my catch-up update.
First off. ADV announced MORE dub DVDs. Go see the new news article on that. Also have a couple coverart updates. Eariler today, Pioneer released the art for the fourth DVD due out on September 3rd. I dunno if it's real of the reverse after the situation with DVD3, but it's really nice looking. It didn't come from the LDs, so I'm curious to where it did come from, especially since they still advertise on their "back cover blurb" that the art is from Japan. So that and the Set 3 "best of" VHS cover have been added to the Pioneer SS cover archive. Also added are the covers to Set 5 of the ADV dub DVDs. When you go to the ADV dub DVD archive, you'll see that they're smaller than all the other ones. Well that's because online stores don't have the art yet, the same goes for SS DVD4. Of course when better scans are availble (or made by either myself or Bob), they'll be posted up.
So my long, yet small when you see the content, update comes to an end. Tomorrow though, look for a smaller update in here but bigger in content. All I'm gonna say. ^_~
Big day, people. =)
SMU has been given the opportunity to interview none other than Cloverway Inc. That's right. We have an interview with a representative of Cloverway.
Because of this, I'm giving YOU, the fans, the opportunity to write in the questions you have for Cloverway. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so don't miss out! Go over to the E-Mail section and be sure to send your questions to me, Bob, with the subject line: "Questions for Cloverway". I will be accepting questions until August 16th. After that I will organize the questions, write the interview, and send it in. Any questions received after August 16th will NOT be used in the interview, so get to writing! Don't miss out on this opportunity!
HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY SMU!!! That's right, Sailor Moon Uncensored turned two years old today! *blows noisemaker* Yay!!! Here's Tiff!
WAI! SMU's second birthday! As you see, I've made a nifty little graphic just for the occasion, and would like to thank all the visitors we've had these two years, young and old. ARIGATO GOZAIMASU! *bounces out full of sugar*
Bob here! Believe it or not, but I've actually made an update to the Anti-SOS section. You should mosey on down there and see what's going on now. Happy Birthday SMU!!
As for Dan.......Uhh....He's currently Missing In Action, but we'll extend his best wishes to everyone! Happy Birthday SMU!!!!!!
Small news from Cartoon Network regarding Sailor Moon today. No, nothing to do with the TV episodes coming back on the air, just one of the movies. Click here or go to the news section to see my small report.
Probably because of those viruses that you people are sending Bob (and the fact that he doesan't use a domain addy like me so he can have an anti-virus prog scan his mail :P), Bob's computer crashed yet again. He asked me to update informing everyone of this, though considering the fact he's already back online on his cpu, I don't see how it's a big deal, but I love poking fun at him like this given the opportunity. XD Basically, his C drive was wiped out, but everything on is D drive is ok, which has all the important files and stuff, so he needs a few days to get back on his feet he says. Personally I think it shouldn't take more than a few hours if you work hard enough, but it seems that he doesn't have his installers for many progs backed up anywhere. Bad, bad Bob. Tsk Tsk. So today's lesson to be learned: use anti-virus programs, and always have installers and other important stuff backed up so when shit happens, you can just laugh in it's face. Just like I'm doing to Bob right now. Poor kid is dealing with me online and he probably won't see this for a few minutes, hehe.
(On a sidenote, I can reformat my computer and be back on my feet like nothing happened within a few hours max. Go me! ^^)
I hate to be the bastard, but I need to talk to you guys. First off. YOU ALL HAVE THE KLEZ VIRUS. >_< It's really been irritating getting like 6 Klez virus' in the mail EVERYDAY. Go get a virus scanner already. All of you, go here NOW. It's a free, online virus scanner. There's no excuse for NOT going there. I know what some of you might be thinking, "Oh, that sucks, but its not me. I don't have a virus." NO. STOP. NOW. Yes, yes YOU have the virus. YOU. Get your butt over there and scan right now.
Second, I've updated the e-mail page because I've been getting FAR too many "You missed this in your episode comparison" e-mails. The changes you are sending me are COMPLETELY opinionated, and if it's not MY opinion being expressed, then it will not go in MY comparison. The only 2 people who can get their opinions expressed are Dan and Tiff. So basically, if it's not a cut or a scene alteration, please don't send it. No side notes and no SDAs PLEASE. If its not in there already, it means I did not deem it worthy of being a Side Note or an SDA. Again, sorry to be the bastard but i've been getting kinda overwhelmed with these 2 types of emails lately. NOW PLEASE, GO CHECK TO SEE IF YOU HAVE THE KLEZ VIRUS >_<;;
That is all. Screen Caps will be up tomorrow. More comparisons are to follow.
September 28th, 2002
Dan - More coverart
September 27th, 2002
Dan - Coverart archive caught up
September 22nd, 2002
Dan - Non-content rant to lead to content
September 19th, 2002
Dan - New art added
August 29th, 2002
Dan - New art and explination of it
August 25th, 2002
Bob - New screencaps added
August 23rd, 2002
Dan - Server change complete
August 21st, 2002
Dan - New cover art
August 20th, 2002
Dan - More ADV announcements and server change
August 16th, 2002
Bob - Question submissions closed
August 15th, 2002
Dan - News and other stuff
August 9th, 2002
Bob - CWi interview forthcoming
August 6th, 2002
SMU Staff - SMU is now 2 years old ^___^
August 1st, 2002
Dan - New news
July 29th, 2002
Bob - Clean your damn PCs >.<
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