Site Updates

February 16th, 2006 Dan - Episode 36 posted and an announcement

Today, I have episode 36 up for everyone's reading pleasure.

Also, I have a small announcement. For those of you who have been around a while may remember, May is the time where I'm usually moving between two places and have to move everything off phobos to somewhere else for a short time and then back again. It's a pain in the ass for me as well as for anyone with an account on phobos as well as all visitors to anything on the server. Thankfully, this year I can say this won't happen. I'll be going right from this place to my new one, so the only transition this time around will be me driving phobos from here to the new place sometime in May.

To further ensure less chaos with everything on the server, right now I'm in training for a promotion to happen in a month or two. This will give me a much better cashflow, and when this happens, I'll be moving everything on the smuncensored.com domain to a pay server. Since moving to the place I'm currently in, there's been a lot of stupid glitchs with my internet and sometimes phobos as well. So there's been a lot of unnecessary downtime since summer that I'm not proud of. Once it's back to a pay server, problems on my end will no longer affect everyone else. Just something I wanted to point out to look forward to.

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