Well, here I am. The proud webmaster of a site that has breached the 100,000 hit mark. In fact, now we've breached the 101,000 mark too. I never though SMU would _EVER_ grow to become as popular as it is now, and the fact is, it's _STILL_ growing more and more popular. I'm very grateful to every single person who has visited this site, and I'd do some shout outs, but I'm much too afraid that I'll forget someone. Anyway, onto some actual CONTENT updates.
Yeah.....Content updates...*cough*...Not much in the way of THOSE today....We got two more awards so I put those up.
Also, if you scrolled down on the front page, you will have noticed a new button with "TOONAMI" on it. If you clicked the button you would know that it links to "campaign" sort of place where the guy from CNX is trying to save Toonami. I know what you might be thinking...."I thought you didn't like Toonami!" Well, let me explain. I know I wrote that long article on how I don't like how Cartoon Network treats Sailor Moon, and my opinion about that hasn't changed. Still, Toonami has some GREAT programs such as Gundam, Outlaw Star, Tenchi, and the soon to be aired Dragonball series. Now, I'd HATE to see these great shows be mingled with the likes of Cardcaptors, Pokemon, and other "kiddie" shows. That's why SMU will be officially supporting this campaign. This was actually Dan's idea, I'm just merely presenting it to all of you ~_^
Well, that's all for this time, c ya'll later! I'll now hand the mic off to Tiff with her comments on hitting 100,000.
100,000!! I tell you what, way back in the summer when we started this thing, I never imagined it would escalate to this. We put a lot of work and effort into this site, and if it weren't for the many otaku who want to see the truth about BSSM, we never would have made it here. ok, so i sound like an academy award recipient thanking fans =P but really...we've dealt with flamers and people who accuse us of stealing Chris's (btw, you're the man chris) site. Yet we kept going becuase we knew that there were people out there who appreciated our cause, and i thank you. We hope that the future of SMU only holds good. Arigato Gozaimasu!!
June 1st, 2001
Bob & Tiff - 100,000 hit milestone reached ^_^