Site Updates

April 13th, 2001 Dan - Caught up

After a computer crash (you can read on MKBO) I've just about caught up with everything with MKBO and SMU. Now unlike Bob, I hate an update without actual content updated, so I've done my two cents for episodes 146 - 151. Now after my experience with Heart Collection I, you know I can't let Bob's comment earilier today go by without me responding to it. Eight copies on the Suncoast shelves mean nothing as to Pioneer being less stingy, as Suncoast was getting copies of the first DVD for three and a half weeks before anyone else did. If I get my second DVD before my spring break ends (April 22), then I'll admit to them being less stingy this time around. (sidenote: Central New York still hasn't seen a thing in stores of the first release, I'll be going out later today or tomorrow and checking again while getting more NGE DVDs ^_^)

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