Site Updates

November 21st, 2000 Bob - Various updates

I've updated the e-mail page with more info. I really should spiff that page up, cause it's real ugly. Oh well, that's what I get for throwing it together in five minutes. Oh, by the way, Tiff will be gone until Monday or something, so don't e-mail her, or else she'll get mad.

A little word about the issue of e-mail. You can be sure that EVERY SINGLE LETTER is read. We don't just selectively select mails that we want to read and delete the rest, they ALL get read. However, not all get replies. The three of us here get a lot of mail, so not all of it can get responded to. Usually when we get fan-mails that just say "We love your site!", we wont respond. We appreciate the comments! We really do, and we thank you a lot for sending it in! So just because we don't respond doesn't mean that we don't appreciate your input and thoughts about the site.

Next! I know that the SOS has updated! So, why haven't I updated the "Anti-SOS page" you ask? Well, because they actually did a GOOD update this time. They didn't speak for all the fans, they got most (probably all) of their facts straight, and they wrote good articles. I would just like to publicly congratulate the SOS (now, if only they can keep it up.....)

OK! Now for more relevant stuff. I'm working on something that I'm sure you fans will absolutely LOVE (if everything falls into place). Hopefully soon, we'll be having a "Sailor Moon Uncensored Exclusive". I'll keep you all in suspense until further notice.

As far as comparisons go, I'm planning to finish the S season this week. Hopefully I wont be too busy that I will have to postpone them, but I haven't let you guys down yet! ^_^;;;;;; (................or have I??)

Umm...I think that's it.........*thinks hard*......Yeah, I think that's it. Sore ja!

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