Site Updates

December 5th, 2006 Dan - Forum Registration Re-opened

Due to issues of multiple spambots and such, many of you have probably noticed that forum registration has been closed for a couple of months. I have been planning and working on a method to keep them from getting in, and have completed this, so forum registration is open once again!

When a new user wants to sign up for the forums, there is a new link labled "Forum Account Request Form" alongside the "Register" link. This new link will open a new window with a short simple form to fill out, with just your username, email, birthday, and a validation code to prove you are not a spambot. Once this has been filled out and submitted, you can still make an account like normal. As soon as an admin notices the new account, they will check to be sure that a request form for the account was filled out, and then activate your account while sending you an e-mail stating that they can now access the forums. This will take no longer than a day or two for activation to occur. If a few days pass with nothing happening, please contact me immediately.

This new addition to the system does two things. As already mentioned, this extra setup will keep spambots away, giving us more control of the accounts activated. Because the form isn't part of the phpBB registration process, the form won't be filled out by the spambots, therefore any account they might make will be deleted after the two day rule (which is now modified to if an account here is made but no request form is filled out for that account within two days, it get's deleted). The second is that this finally forces users to input their birthdays in their profiles, as entering your birthday is a required part of the new form. This makes our lives a TON easier for trying so hard to enforce it, and will be lessannoying for everyone else from having to see a mod post about not entering your birthday in. Everybody wins.

With all that said, time to celebrate the re-opening of registration and to prepare to meet some more new people! ^_^

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