Site Updates

October 3rd, 2005 Dan - More cool code to show off

I finally added a nice little thingy to the site today that I've been working on for a little while this year. On the front page, there's now a little block labled "This day in Sailor Moon History," which is pretty much self explanitory. Right now events I have in the database are original air dates for original and dub episodes of the show, the birthdays of all the senshi, as well as the birthdates of the VAs of the original show. Kind of barebones for now, though I plan to add the original air dates of Pretty Guardian Sailormoon (live action series), release dates of merchandise on both sides of the ocean, big announcements, and start and end dates of big Sailor Moon sites. If anyone has any suggestions or anything for this new little block, please contact me.

For other things, at least one comparison will be added by the weekend. More screencaps should be added throughout the week too. Also non-SMU related, I've got Bob's first memory card full of pics and videos from his mission uploaded to his webspace. Click here for the folder listings. Since he e-mails us once a week, I'm going to code up a weblog to post his e-mails to so everyone who wants to can see what he's been up to on his mission. For now though, enjoy the new stuff up there, and I believe another memory card is heading my way, so more shall be added soon. Once I get the weblog setup, I'll link it on the main page and do any updates regarding him from there.

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