While this is technically a non-content update, as it regards the forums, I feel I should announce this here as well. Basically to put this in the nicest way possible, I have reason to believe that there have been some people recentally who have been lying about their age when joining the forums, my reasons being if a new member makes a post that seems "kid like" and then are confronted by the asking of their age, they immediately seem to "disappear." Add this to a couple other things, and I feel it's time to add some fairly complex code to the forums regarding user's birthdates and probably a calandar thingy too, with hopes that this issue can end. However, I'm too busy with school work these last couple weeks of the semester to add in all the code and deal with this. Therefore, after discussing this with the rest of the staff, we have decided to prevent new accounts being created. I feel this will deter these kind of people away in this period of time. Also, it doesn't mean that no new accounts will be made at all, if anyone wants to join here that wants to actually want to be here for the enviroment and conversations and such, then feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to get you setup. Any account created without advance permission from an admin will be deleted upon sight. I apologize for any inconvenience during this time.
May 4th, 2004
Dan - I hate dumb people