Small news from Cartoon Network regarding Sailor Moon today. No, nothing to do with the TV episodes coming back on the air, just one of the movies. Click here or go to the news section to see my small report.
Probably because of those viruses that you people are sending Bob (and the fact that he doesan't use a domain addy like me so he can have an anti-virus prog scan his mail :P), Bob's computer crashed yet again. He asked me to update informing everyone of this, though considering the fact he's already back online on his cpu, I don't see how it's a big deal, but I love poking fun at him like this given the opportunity. XD Basically, his C drive was wiped out, but everything on is D drive is ok, which has all the important files and stuff, so he needs a few days to get back on his feet he says. Personally I think it shouldn't take more than a few hours if you work hard enough, but it seems that he doesn't have his installers for many progs backed up anywhere. Bad, bad Bob. Tsk Tsk. So today's lesson to be learned: use anti-virus programs, and always have installers and other important stuff backed up so when shit happens, you can just laugh in it's face. Just like I'm doing to Bob right now. Poor kid is dealing with me online and he probably won't see this for a few minutes, hehe.
(On a sidenote, I can reformat my computer and be back on my feet like nothing happened within a few hours max. Go me! ^^)
August 1st, 2002
Dan - New news