Well, I didn't make my goal of getting stuff done before March, *glares at friends who steal my cpu from me to play games together online* but I got a small something done tonight, or this morning, you decide. Put up a news article which is probably well known by now, but is up for completeness sake. Also added an ADV DVD cover archive to go along with their DVD releases (yeah, that's the news article). I realized that I've never really reported on any ADV VHS news or covers or anything and was basically favoring all that stuff to the Pioneer releases. I shouldn't have played favorites like that, and I apologize for being like that. I promise to not be like that anymore, and to report all the news that happens here in NA. Now, for the rest of the stuff I have yet to post in the cover archive, I'll be honest, I don't know when I'll get to it. Between school, work, sleep, and Counterstrike addicts for friends (they play a couple other games online too, but that's the big one), I can't predict when I'll be on my computer for a long length of time to get them done, but I'll do my best to get them done as fast as I can. I guess a reasonable goal would be to have it done before I go on spring break in a few weeks, but no promises. Anyways, I'm just babbling on now, so I'm off to bed, ja!
March 5th, 2002
Dan - New news stuff